I have created the outline for the content, audio, and visual aspects of a video about primordial black holes. My intention was to create the video itself, however that would equate to more than 30 hours because of production. My topic has nothing to do with filming and animation so I did not pay much attention to producing it.
Completing a 2 1/2 minute video requires more information than I expected. The timing of visuals and narration (both of which are based off of real journals) is difficult. But it really helped my teaching skills. Eventually, I want to teach and mentor high schoolers so I have to practice explaining complex concepts like "escape velocity" in a simple way. I chose to include an animation of a rocket lifting off a moon compared to a rocket lifting off the earth and show a discrepancy in the amount of fire used to represent the speed of the rocket. Also, I needed to choose the right music because it really helps people get excited about topics that may come off as boring like the charges of black holes. I chose this (link) particular song because it's called "Sky Full of Stars" and people already associate it with the space. It's upbeat to get people excited but light enough to not interfere with the content.
Compiling the content wasn't very difficult. I just spent more time looking over my research articles and new ones. Teaching and simplifying the topic was hard, but helped me further my understanding of some astrophysical concepts. I didn't realize what a poor understanding I had of black holes. I knew that some theorized that black holes lead potentially lead to wormholes, and that some black holes were charged. But I never knew that charged black holes were the ones that lead to wormholes. Creating this (link) took a few hours and drafts between a professor and I, and I am still not done! We have only chosen specific content to include so far. Let alone the official script.
The discovery of black holes is usually attributed to Pierre-Simon Laplace. While Laplace was calculating the speed objects need to reach to “break free” from an astronomical object’s gravitational pull, aka escape velocity.
The discovery of black holes is usually attributed to Pierre-Simon Laplace. While Laplace was calculating the speed objects need to reach to “break free” from an astronomical object’s gravitational pull, aka escape velocity.
All physical bodies are attracted to each other. The gravitational force between bodies is directly proportional to their masses.The bigger the mass, the stronger the force of gravity is.
On Earth, gravity gives weight to physical objects employing a downward force to keep them grounded. In order to break free from the gravitational pull of earth, an object must exceed earth's escape velocity.
The escape velocity is the speed at which an object's force would be greater than earth's gravitational force.
After an object reaches a certain density, it would be impossible for anything to escape it’s gravitational pull, including light. Hence the name “black hole”. A black hole looks exactly how you would imagine: black and round. They vary in size from the size of a penny to galaxy.
VERITAS is ground based gamma ray observatory. Each of four telescopes are have a 4 meter diameter. Telescopes like those at VERITAS have the capacity to detect a primordial black hole if one was ever to come across their path.
Here are a few visuals and visual inspirations for the video:
Halzen, F., E. Zas, J. H. Macgibbon, and T. C. Weekes. "Gamma Rays and Energetic Particles from Primordial Black Holes." Nature 353.6347 (1991): 807-15. Web.
Bains, Jagdev. "Searching for Evaporating Primordial Black Holes Using Fermi Gamma Ray Telescope Data." Diss. Imperial College, 2011. Print.
Hawking, Stephen. The Illustrated a Brief History of Time. New York: Bantam, 1996. Print.
Khatri, Poudel, Gautam, M.K. , P.R. , A.K. (2010). Principles of Physics. Kathmandu: Ayam Publication.
Carroll, Sean M. (2004). Spacetime and Geometry. Addison Wesley.
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